Wonderful Answers to Prayer

Last March on our first prayer walk in Szeged we stood at an important intersection and asked God to bring down the occultic and witchcraft high places in Szeged. As we lifted our eyes we noticed hanging from a nearby building, 2 bronze figures, one a witch, the second a warlock. We prayed at the same corner last weekend and look - no figures!! In fact, they were removed within weeks of our first prayer walk!! Yeah God!!

While in Szeged, one of our young team members, David shared that he had been asking the Lord for a guitar so he could learn to play and help with the music for "Friday at 7". Well, Erik one of our university student leaders from Sweden had an extra so.... We thank you God for answering David's prayer and so quickly.

I was so blessed to go to Budapest last weekend and be at the International Church when Pastor Glenn Ford preached on his first Sunday back in the pulpit after a 7 month battle with throat cancer. His voice was strong and anointed as he spoke on the kingdom of God. Thank you God for Glenn's life!!
How good and faithful our God is!! Psa 27:13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! I pray you are asking and believing!


Unknown said…
Great answers to prayer!
Unknown said…
Great answers to prayer!

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