How are you waiting?

Jan 14, 2007 It is Russian New Year’s day and I am in the Ukraine (Mukachevo) on a bus with Hungarian school children who will perform at an orphanage for the heads of Hungary and Ukraine. It took us a while to begin this journey as we could find the bus but not the driver, finally a teacher checked the local “Kocsma” (bar) and there he was…..keeping warm. He got in the bus and looked around and said “Kuda?” Where are we going? Where, we are going to an event to perform for two world leaders!

So, here we are the children’s home waiting with great excitement and anticipation for the arrival of President Yushchenko of Ukraine and Prime Minister Gyurcsany of Hungary. I am with the parents who are hidden away in a classroom, prohibited from entering the auditorium where the performance and presentation of gifts will be held. (Small room plus there is the issue of no security checks). I have taken my place by the window that faces the only entry gate. In my mind a siren led parade of black Mercedes with blacked out bullet proof windows will be drawing up. Of course, they will have Ukrainian and Hungarian flags flying, and secret police with black trench coats swarming. We wait a loooong time and finally at 50 minutes late, a message comes that the special guests will be late! (perhaps they are on Hungarian time -1hr) which is a usual problem in Transcarpathia area) . And still we waited. Then another message – the 2 hour program will be shortened to 12 minutes (??) So, the third grade dancers in the very cute pink satin skirts & vests with silver garland trim are sent home. (Our friend’s daughter is a singer in 5th grade and remains – so do we). As I waited I felt a nudge by the Spirit to notice how I was waiting. Yes, it was with patience and grace, no fidgeting, no complaining, no giving up even as the hour got later. I had energy for this and excitement and longing and hope and then the Holy Spirit said, “Wait for Me with such expectation – you will not be disappointed”.

That day in Mukachevo, we were disappointed, the heads of state never did arrive. They did send a police escort with 4 black Audi’s and a delegation of women to present the gifts and see the program. I think Mrs Gyurcsany was the one with sensible shoes. Oh, and an ambulance.

I think if they had assigned the women to begin with, the event would have been on time and all the programs would have been seen. Turns out the men stayed down town politicking, or it might have been because of the annual wine, honey and “shaslik” celebration.


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